Bishop Deborah Hutterer gives thanks to University Lutheran Church for our generous Mission Support. Click here to view the video.
340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
Bishop Deborah Hutterer gives thanks to University Lutheran Church for our generous Mission Support. Click here to view the video.
Check out our latest Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) video made by LCM alumni Jeffrey Hack. Thanks, Jeffrey!
Sunday’s ONLINE Worship Available at 10:30am
University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry begins this live/recorded stream during the COVID-19 situation. The Campus Center is normally filled with students sharing a home-cooked meal, Bible study and worship. Pastor Gary McCluskey, Aiko Yamada Mancini (Music Director) and MaryBeth LaMont (secretary and bulletin preparation) share in this online worship.
Vist us on YouTube.com – Bulletin (PDF)
Visit our home page at ulctempe.org – Near the Top of the Just Posted Column or go to YouTube.com directly or on Facebook
Visit our YouTube Channel or search for “ULC Tempe” on your YouTube App
Our mission continues. You can give online by clicking on the GIVE+ logo in the upper right corner of the website.
Keep following us on Facebook as well. LCM Students can stay in touch on the LCM Facebook page.
9:15am – In-Person and Zoom – Click on this link to join: Zoom Link or use the information below
Our Sunday Forums are returning in-person and via Zoom. This Sunday’s forum is “Critical Race Theory” presented by Calvin Schermerhorn, professor of American History specializing in slavery and antebellum history. Calvin has been doing much research in post-Civil War racial issues such as Jim Crow, BLM, monuments, etc.
The forum is from 9:15-10:15 am in the library of the Campus Center. If you attend in person, masks are required. The Zoom link is below to attend virtually. Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
Meeting ID: 862 4887 9221
Passcode: 877146