Our Annual Meeting will be held in the Campus Center following the Sunday 9:00 am* service. The Annual Meeting will be in person; no Zoom option or livestream will be available.
*Note time change for Sunday worship for the summer.
340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
Our Annual Meeting will be held in the Campus Center following the Sunday 9:00 am* service. The Annual Meeting will be in person; no Zoom option or livestream will be available.
*Note time change for Sunday worship for the summer.
Check out our latest Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) video made by LCM alumni Jeffrey Hack. Thanks, Jeffrey!
We do change time in AZ–our Sunday worship now begins at 9:00 am. You will be able to view the live stream of the Sunday Service on the website as well.
We will resume the 10:30 am service in mid-August!
Thank you!
Our Sunday worship service will start at 9:00 am on Sunday, May 15, 2022. We will also have our annual congregational meeting on May 15, 2022 at 10 am, following the worship service. Thank you!
Sunday, May 8
Monday, May 9
Tuesday, May 10
Wednesday, May 11
Thursday, May 12
Friday, May 13
Saturday, May 14