We will be finishing up our theme of “God Loves a Good Question” at the end of September.
Our October/November theme is “Things I Wish Jesus Did Not Say” with the following readings from scripture:
- October 4: “Widow’s Mite/Widow’s Might: Commitment not Spare Time/Spare Change: Mark 12:41-44
- October 11: : What Must I Do?” The answer may sound good, but living it out is diffiult.
- Luke 10:25-28
- October 18: “Who is my Neighbor” An interesting question for those of us with fences or walls surrounding our property. Luke 10: 29-37
- October 25: ” The Poor, the Imprisoned, and the Blind:Jesus not for the privileged?” Luke 4:14-20
- November 1: “Being Blessed Isn’t All it’s Cracked up to be” Matthew 5:1-12
- November 8: Dinner Church
- November 15: “Go!” Matthew 28:16-20
- Nov 22: Thanksgiving Eve
Our Wednesday schedule remains the same: 5:00 pm Bible Study, 5:30 pm Free Student Meal, 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship–everyone is welcome.