A special note from Ruth Wootten…
Thanks! It’s time (well, it’s always Time….) for you to let your congressional representatives know that they need to address the hunger crisis that is exploding in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The House passed the HEROES act in mid-May, but our senators need YOUR urging them to pass it, taking three critical steps, two of which are included in the HEROES act. The first two–increasing SNAP benefits by 15% and extending pandemic EBT benefits throughout the summer so children who rely on school meals won’t go hungry–are included, but the third–investing $12 billion to support international efforts to address the pandemic –is not. So, would you let our senators know how vital it is that all three elements are included–and acted on promptly?
Before the coronavirus invaded, 11 percent of U.S. households were at risk of hunger; since then that number has more than doubled! And, for a mind-boggling figure, try to envision the 265 million people being pushed to the brink of starvation, according to the U.N. World Food Program.
If you want further information as you develop your letters, go to bread.org/COVID19. YOU can help convince Congress to support millions of people struggling to feed themselves and their families.