Why did you choose it? I picked it because I like working with kids and I feel like I can impact the future in a positive way. And I’m kind of very childish myself.
What is you hometown? Ahwatukee. It’s a village. It’s the largest village in the world supposedly.
Hobbies? I like to sing, I really like music. I have a bad habit of looking on youtube. I really like musicals! My favorite musical is the Sound of Music.
Where do you see yourself in ten years? I guess I’ll be teaching. But it’s really hard to see in ten years. I would want to travel and teach in other countries.
How did you first learn about LCM? My sister Heidi goes to the U of A LCM. So I wanted to do it here. Then I was a volunteer at terouche which some of the LCM people do.
What do you like about LCM? Everyone is really welcoming and nice, there’s free food, and I really like the services during the week.
Favorite thing that LCM does ? Wednesday services, and sometimes when we do on weekends, and Oh! I really like the San Diego trip.
What brings you back to LCM? The people bring me back because they’re all so nice and welcoming. It’s really easy to come back. No one really pressures you to come back. They’re just really nice. They just want you to come.
What would say to Freshman who came to us? I would tell them that everyone is welcome at LCM. Everyone at LCM is very nice and fun.