There are a few things we will need to reopen public worship. First is an accurate estimate of how many will return once we worship in person. The sooner we can get an idea, the better we can prepare. We also do not want to have too many in our sanctuary as we will practice safe social distancing. So, if you plan on being ready to attend public worship here, please let us know at Info@ulctempe.org We’d like to know by June 5.
Also, we are in need of Clorox or Lysol sanitizing wipes and sanitizing sprays. Hand sanitizer is also needed. We do have a small supply, but it will be used up quickly. We will be requiring masks for all over 2 years old. Bring masks with you. We do have some for those without or those who may forget. If someone insists on worshiping without a mask, we will have to cancel worship and leave. Wearing a mask is simple hospitality, respecting others and being safe.
We will most likely need extra ushers…we may use multiple doors..there will be no lines arriving or leaving…social distancing only.
The thought currently is to return June 14, 9am. It will depend upon COVID 19 numbers in AZ and Maricopa County. Right now with the holiday, reporting on numbers is behind by about 5-8 days. It will also depend upon any recommendations by the CDC and our synod office (ignoring such advice opens churches to liability) and local officials.
Worship will be shortened to under 30 minutes. Staying in an indoor setting with others requires short times together. We will also still offer an on line worship experience. There will be things in worship whether on line or in person we all will miss. To accommodate every one’s request would lengthen worship to an unsafe time period. The top priority has to be: How can we best limit transmission of the COVID 19 virus?
Thank you for your help, your patience, and your understanding! Stay safe and stay well!
Gary N McCluskey
Pastor, University Lutheran Church
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Arizona State University