Opening Doors.
“I found some of my best friends through Lutheran Campus Ministry”, a recurring reminder from Kalee Porter, a student who has found her place amongst others at University Lutheran Church in Tempe, Arizona. Kalee originally comes from the Mormon faith in her family, and was given the opportunity to explore other walks of faith in life when her parents pulled out of the Mormon church. “Women were not allowed in leadership, and still aren’t. They [her parents] also wanted to be mindful of the fact that their children could grow up to be people that identify whatever they choose to be labeled as.”
As someone who was then agnostic, the idea of pursuing a different faith was a bit nerve wracking. At University Lutheran Church, Kalee no longer needed to worry about this dilemma. “Even when I started coming to Lutheran Campus Ministry, I didn’t come with the intention that I would become a Christian. I started to enjoy the people that are here, and felt more comfortable stepping into a faith that I could call my own.” Lutheran Campus Ministry prides itself on opening its doors to any and all people, regardless of faith, gender, sexuality, shape, size, everything.
Thank you for supporting the faith of students like Kalee, and for providing a place where they can grow in their relationship with Jesus. Kalee has shown to be a pillar of leadership among her peers in this ministry, always finding ways to make new friends and welcome students new to Lutheran Campus Ministry. Your continued investment in the students of University Lutheran Church and Campus Ministry helps provide spaces for individuals like Kalee to find community and empowerment in their faith, and makes this a safe space for those of all walks of life.
University Lutheran Church, Tempe, Arizona is one of 176 ministries affiliated with LuMin, the ELCA Campus Ministry Network. Support them in our Ministry Madness fundraising challenge at www.luminelca.org/madness