Each year, Bread for the World selects a specific topic as it encourages each of us to send handwritten letters to our elected officials as a part of a its collective Christian voice urging elected officials to end hunger at home and abroad.
We’re suggesting you bypass the usual offering plate at our Sunday service and send your letters directly to your members of Congress as you write to urge them to support increased funding for global nutrition. You’ll recall that this year’s emphasis selected by Bread for the World is on prevention of child malnutrition. In our letters, we are urging them to make permanent the refundable tax credit expansion and reauthorizing child nutrition programs. If you didn’t get the bulletin insert at church, you can read it here or you will find helpful information and suggestions for your letters at bread.org/write-congress–and check into www.bread.org regularly for updates!
Bread is interested in the number of letters sent, so we’ d appreciate you letting the church office (info@ulctempe.org or 480-967-3543) know the number of letters you sent, and to whom. Thanks for taking action, and giving your information to the office by the end of April!