So, when will we be back to normal? That question is sometimes asked multiple times a day. Occasionally we have to field it multiple times in a day. That is a good thing! People want to be back.
Of course we are back in a not so normal way. Our three 12 step groups are meeting, but with fewer numbers and in hybrid fashion online and in person. Missio Dei Community which rents from us is back in a more part-time way and worshiping outside (they will not be here in July). Students are gone for summer. Our in person worship has moved indoors, but still taking some pandemic precautions.
We do have a target date of September 12 as return to “normal”. We are planning on the return of forums at 9:15 at that date. Worship will resume at 10:30am time August 22, but still in abbreviated form. September 12 we are hoping to add the singing of some hymns and a more complete liturgy with singing. Mask wearing? Too soon to call that one. As this is written there are some warnings that even the vaccinated should be wearing such now. We will see what that is like September 12.
In addition we are hoping to live stream Sunday worship. A grant was awarded to help us purchase a camera and other equipment to do this. Currently we are exploring the usage of this equipment. Forums may also be streamed & recorded through Zoom.
When students return we are hoping to have the usual schedule in person including Wednesday evening worship. We were just notified by the church in San Diego where we stay on retreat that they are open and we can come. We will require vaccinations for all attending. Jammed together for 6 hours in a van seems a bit too risky without such a requirement.
What seems sure is that normal will be different. We are not sure, in fact, exactly what normal will be. We are still, for example, thinking about how we might do communion. No one will be sorry to see the little grape juice with wafer lids “take out” style communion elements go away.
In the meantime, thank you for your support, your patience, your questions, and your suggestions. We may have worked from home at times, had only virtual worship, but church was never closed. The mission and ministry never stopped. At times the Holy Spirit had to get creative. Our faith says the Holy Spirit has not exhausted it’s creativity. Whatever comes may be different, but we will remain God’s people in mission, followers of Christ; we will be fine.
It has been my privilege to serve through some interesting times. It continues to be my privilege to serve in these times ahead.
Pastor Gary