Dear ULC/LCM community:
Wow! That is all I can get out a few days after my last Sunday and a day after my last Wednesday. You made me speechless and you know how rare such an occurrence is for me. I wanted a low key send off, which in many ways was just as I had hoped, but somehow you did that and kicked it up a notch without going past those boundaries. It was a very nice day for me and my family and I will never forget it.
And then came Wednesday. I have had multiple farewells before but always one after the other at consecutive worship services on the same day. But to have the “Twice Weekly Say Goodbye to Pastor Gary” was something else. Instead of maintaining the same moods, it was more “here we go again” than “keep on going.” And Wednesday was touching as well. Again, alumni, parents, members, and students. The buzz of excitement lit up the Campus Center during dinner. Decibel records may have been broken. Then worship, and finally I got to go home while students remained there for I do not know how long.
Thank you for Sunday/Wednesday. Thank you for the financial gift and for the personally created student gifts. Thank you seems so insufficient for what I felt those last days and today. I hope the work I did over the years is seen as also a work of gratitude; gratitude to God and gratitude to the people of God to whom I was fortunate to be called.
The spirit in the ULC/LCM community is good following quite a wounding during the pandemic. I have sadly seen some not yet on that road to recovery. God is at work in ULC/LCM. God seems to like what you do here. In Advent we are to keep watch. Keep watch for what God may be calling you to do. That will help you then discern who it might be to lead you in that call.
If you caught any of the Wednesday service you know I had a lovely time in the ULC/LCM neighborhood. Thank you. The gratitude is deep and will be ever-lasting. As was read in Sunday’s second lesson, “I thank my God for you.” And so I will continue to do.
Gratefully in Christ,
Gary N. McCluskey
PS Picture is of gifts given to Pastor Gary from ULC Young Adults and LCM students. The wooden board was made by architect major, Sean Meseng. Note that the base is the ULC driveway sign.