What a world we live in these days! The winter Olympics gave me a more hopeful picture of this world than I receive from newscasts, news apps, or newspapers. With all that is going in in Ukraine, the US and elsewhere, some worldly hope is appreciated. Sadly, in some ways some of what I experienced watching the Olympics has even succeeded some of the vision the church too often puts forth.
An American skier won Olympic gold for China, an “enemy” nation. A group of American medal winning skaters trained in Montreal with a Canadian coach. An American gold medalist in monobob became a US citizen just prior to the Olympics.
Having lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado, home of the Olympic Training Center nine years and mecca for Olympic Ice Skating champs, I am aware all who train there are not Americans. Nor are all the coaches of the American skaters. Have you witnessed the hugging and celebrating that takes place when someone from another country wins a medal from all those at the finish line….all those from other countries including some who just got bumped off the medal stand?
Often times the church is out front on issues leading the way. Too often because of the fear of empty pews or offering plates the church is too meek on such issues. Sometimes leadership comes from other places like sports. Jackie Robinson comes to mind.
To be sure, all in the Olympics is not free of politics or error. The Russian doping scandal among other issues is a case in point. Yet much of the most visible part of the recent Olympics showing nation after nation parading in for ceremonies, participating and even to a certain degree rooting for one another is a vision for the world.
Sometimes I wonder if God decides that if Christ’s church won’t do it, God will find someone else to lead. The God of the manger has never thought God to be so high and mighty God couldn’t descend to places quite low. From the creator God who in Genesis’ second chapter scooped up the earth to form Adam and blew into Adam’s nostrils, to the manger, cross, and a tomb, God has demonstrated God is not afraid to get God’s hands dirty.
We need to look to and listen to the Word in scripture and sermon. We need to look to the church. We need to listen to one another. We need to listen for God in prayer. Sometimes we also need to lift our churchly gaze beyond the church catholic to the world beyond it. Occasionally places outside of the church can lead even the church and the faithful. God doesn’t mind. God is busy in those places as well.
The Olympic hymn as you may know, is Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”. Were you able to see the joy in the faces of even many who lost as they competed together? There is great joy to be found when God’s people see we are better together even as we may compete. There is joy to be found when we become the people God created us to be as God’s children….one family pulling and rooting for each other.