Sunday Forums are scheduled for 9:15 am in the Campus Center (masks required) and via Zoom. Please contact the office (info@ulctempe.org or 480-967-3543) for the Zoom link.
Our December forums are:
December 5: “Close Encounters of What Kind?” led by students Dylan Weeks & Josh Burgett. Dylan is a senior majoring in Astro Biology, Josh is a senior majoring in mechanical engineering with an interest in space. Pastor Gary will also take part in the discussion. What life forms may be “out there”? If there are other life forms, especially those of an animal/human kind, what would that do to our Christian faith?
December 12: “Gaudete!” “Joy!” Reading Paul’s letter to the Philippians, only 4 short chapters, would be a help prior to this discussion. What scripture’s understanding of joy? Led by Pastor Gary.
December 19: “Martin Luther’s Insights on Reason for Today” Led by Pastor Gary
December 26: No forum, Christmas weekend.
This Sunday (11/21) our forum will be “Polarization in our Parishes, Societies, and World Today” What Lutheran insights do we have to bring to this issue? Pastor Gary, presenter.
Please note there will not be a forum on 11/28 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Thank you!