Hebrews 13:7. When is the last time you looked to the book of Hebrews for a quote? There are some good ones. Hebrews 1:2 does also come to mind.
Hebrews was written by an unknown author. Occasionally some attribute it to St. Paul, but most scholars on the left, right, and in between don’t agree.
Hebrews 13:7 is typically translated as saying “ leaders “. Occasionally it is translated as “teachers.”(Notice with both Hebrews texts,I do not provide the text.. I actually want YOU to read it!)
Do you see yourself as a leader in the faith? As a teacher? Perhaps a scary thought. Who me? Yet throughout the years when I hear students speak, this is exactly what I hear. Many over, the years, have even specifically mentioned names of members who serve or have served as their role models for various reasons. Knowing you and students, I easily concur. More than once I have heard a student say, “I want to be just like _______________.” Yes, an actual quote heard throughout the years.
Young adults are looking and watching. What is it we are leading/teaching? Do we offer something different than they see on campus/ in the world? I think we do! And this might just be one of the primary reasons ULC/LCM exists in its partnership. I first became convinced of this when serving in Fort Collins, CO. Our church was about a mile from campus. Yet many years with no intentional recruiting of students, we had as many or more students than the Lutheran Campus Ministry located across the street from all of the Colorado State University dorms.
Over and over I heard how they preferred a congregational setting. There they could pick and choose among multiple ministry options. In a congregation were people of all ages reminding them of grandparents, parents, and siblings at home. Again, more than once I have heard students call some members their “surrogate grandparents.”
As this academic year draws near a close I thought this a good time to bring this up. Thank you for being you! Thank you for leading/teaching! Certainly you have led & taught me these 21years! Hebrews 13:7: Read it! Keep on working to be it!