![Letter from Pastor Gary McCluskey](https://ulctempe.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/LetterPastor-150x150.jpg)
Horace Walpole, an 18th Century English “Man of Letters” once wrote: “This World is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel.” So, I will ask you, “What do you think about this statement?” Perhaps, instead, your first reaction was not an intellectual response but a feeling.
How do you react to most situations that confront you? Emotionally or intellectually? Do you find the world to be a comedy or a tragedy? Maybe neither of these narrow definitions fit your picture of yourself. Many of us were raised in homes where there was much conversation, discussion, and a sorting out of issues and situation. Many were also raised in homes where discussion rarely took place and those things that would occur “out of the blue” in life were met primarily by emotion; perhaps anger or joy.
Did Jesus think life a comedy or tragedy? Nothing we have in the gospels would be good material for a sitcom or the Comedy Club. On the other hand Jesus displayed some anger as he upset tables in the temple and when in seeming contempt he called Herod a fox.
Certainly there is nothing comedic about a world where there is war or a Holocaust. However, all is not tragic in a world where relationships can have love and heroic deeds are performed. There is much to laugh at in life. Too often we take ourselves too seriously. There is also much that is tragic and there is no room for laughter or even smiles.
God created us as emotional beings with a brain. Or did God create us as intelligent beings who have emotions? However we wish to phrase it, we humans are both. I have even noticed many times the choice to be intellectual about things can be an emotional choice. Likewise living primarily as an emotional person can be a choice to not be a thinking person.
It would seem humanity in the world is stuck with both. Maybe this is God’s sense of humor at work watching to see how we handle it all. There is much to laugh about as we continue to repeat the same mistakes. There is also much to cause grief as we continue to repeat the same very serious mistakes.
We are those created with the unique ability to think abstractly as well as concrete thinking. We are those created with the ability to be angry, joyful, frustrated, lonely, and sad. We are not created as those who are to think without consulting our emotions or react without thinking. Intellect and emotions are not enemies, they are partners.
We actually can think our way into a new way of feeling. We can also feel our way into a new way of thinking. Many times we have to adopt new ways of behavior when we find old ways do not work and often times get us in trouble. Sticking with a new way of behavior despite some intellectual or emotional misgivings can change the way we feel and the way we think. The Christian faith has called such “new life.”
Where is it that you need to be made new? Maybe you need to laugh a bit more at yourself or some other. Maybe you need to take a few things more seriously. Maybe you need to explore why you think the way you do or feel the way you do about yourself. Some trusted other(s) might be needed in the process. Those who remember they both are a forgiven people and a people called to forgive can risk this. We can risk putting our thoughts and feelings out there unafraid we or others might get a deeper glimpse into who we are.
You and I need to frequently (constantly?) have our personal emotions and our individual intellects engage in conversation with each other. We need to give ourselves permission to laugh at ourselves and allow our emotions to be expressed. We as followers of Christ are neither comedians nor doomsayers. We are hopeful children of God, hoping above all God will help us become the one and the ones God created us to be. What do you think about that?