Congratulations to Julie Gerrish selected to serve on the leadership team for the Center for Climate Justice and Faith for Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkley, CA.
340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
Congratulations to Julie Gerrish selected to serve on the leadership team for the Center for Climate Justice and Faith for Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkley, CA.
Sunday, August 22 worship returns to 10:30am
Hayden Shaner & Aiko Yamada Mancini working on preparing for the time we live stream worship. Assisting are Nic Peters, John Fillo and Noah Fritz.
It seems like forever since the Page Turner’s Book Club has come together for one of our lively discussions. We anticipate safely resuming in-person meetings at noon on Sept. 2 in the Campus Center. Hooray!
Schedules and commitments have changed for many. This may be a great time for you to join us. All are welcome. We gather at 12:00 noon on the first Thursday of each month during the academic year. We meet in University Lutheran’s Campus Center for about an hour. You are welcome to bring your lunch. University Lutheran continues to monitor and follow COVID safety protocols put forth by the synod (social distancing, masks).
Our group is very informal. Books are selected based on recommendations from members and friends. Many of us find that alternating between fiction and non-fiction expands the scope of our reading quite a bit beyond books we would choose ourselves. Leaders also alternate, based on book selections. You are welcome to come any time; friends are welcome, too.
The book group is seeking a savvy volunteer to serve as Zoom meeting administrator, while attending our in-person discussions. The church office plans to provide the laptop, setup, and access codes. Please let us know if you have the basic Zoom skills to allow us to include those who may be unable to attend in person.
As promised, we plan to pick up right where we left off, with these two selections.
Sept. 2, 2021
“Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI” by David Grann (2017)
Leader: Pat Carper
Oct. 7, 2021
“The Guardians: A Novel” by John Grisham (2019)
Leaders: Jerry & Jean Park
Bring your suggestions for books to read going forward. Can’t wait to see you all again!
Kim Savage
Here is a close to home opportunity to help with aid for victims of the fires in Arizona. Mount Cross Lutheran in Payson is feeding and caring for those evacuated in the fires burning in that area. They are requesting gift cards in any amount for Safeway, Bashas, and Walmart. You can send or bring them to worship or drop them off at the church office. You can also send them to our church office. If you send them to Mt. Cross Lutheran, please indicate you are a member of University Lutheran/Lutheran Campus Ministry. Thank you!!!