Remember, Sunday services now start at 10:30 am.
We hope to see you in person.
Or, you can watch our Sunday services online.
340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
Remember, Sunday services now start at 10:30 am.
We hope to see you in person.
Or, you can watch our Sunday services online.
Sunday’s ONLINE Worship Available at 10:30am
University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry begins this live/recorded stream during the COVID-19 situation. The Campus Center is normally filled with students sharing a home-cooked meal, Bible study and worship. Pastor Gary McCluskey, Aiko Yamada Mancini (Music Director) and MaryBeth LaMont (secretary and bulletin preparation) share in this online worship.
Vist us on – Bulletin (PDF)
Visit our home page at – Near the Top of the Just Posted Column or go to directly or on Facebook
Visit our YouTube Channel or search for “ULC Tempe” on your YouTube App
Our mission continues. You can give online by clicking on the GIVE+ logo in the upper right corner of the website.
Keep following us on Facebook as well. LCM Students can stay in touch on the LCM Facebook page.
The City of Tempe has launched an all-out push to get more eligible people vaccinated against COVID-19. The city’s redoubled outreach efforts and vaccination clinics continue through Sept. 2, 2021.
View the PDF for times and locations for free COVID-19 vaccines and rapid testing.
As you are aware, thousands of Afghan refugees have arrived in the US with more on the way. Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest will no doubt be involved in their re-settlement in our area. We may be able to sponsor a family or individual, or, at least, provide needed items for families.
If you are interested in helping with such a project or willing to research what is needed for sponsorship and/or donations, please contact the church office (480-967-3543 or We have a history of such sponsorship both by the congregation and by students. Thank you!
We got off to a great start last Sunday with the Opening of the Academic Year, return of students, and return of more church members. Students enjoyed their first meal as well.
This week while remaining masked, we will introduce a bit of singing into worship. As we did last week, Holy Communion will be distributed with pre-cut pieces of bread handed out by tongs and individual glasses of wine/grape juice. Glasses are socially distanced in the trays and all distributing communion are masked. We do have sign ups now for lectors, ushers, and communion assistants or you can call the church office (480-967-3543) to sign up.
We continue to work toward live-streaming worship and think this may happen mid September. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work to be safe and provide a good worship experience.