If you have any items for the University Lutheran Church newsletter, please submit them to the office (info@ulctempe.org) by Tuesday, September 14th. Thank you!
340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
If you have any items for the University Lutheran Church newsletter, please submit them to the office (info@ulctempe.org) by Tuesday, September 14th. Thank you!
Sunday’s ONLINE Worship Available at 10:30am
University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry begins this live/recorded stream during the COVID-19 situation. The Campus Center is normally filled with students sharing a home-cooked meal, Bible study and worship. Pastor Gary McCluskey, Aiko Yamada Mancini (Music Director) and MaryBeth LaMont (secretary and bulletin preparation) share in this online worship.
Vist us on YouTube.com – Bulletin (PDF)
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Our mission continues. You can give online by clicking on the GIVE+ logo in the upper right corner of the website.
Keep following us on Facebook as well. LCM Students can stay in touch on the LCM Facebook page.
Dr. Michael Crow met recently with ASU’s Council of Religious Advisors or which LCM is an active partner. Here are just a few gleanings regarding ASU today.
77,000 on campus students/80,000 on line students.
All states and most counties in the US have students at ASU/153 countries represented.
Currently there are 250 different research groups at ASU working on COVID including future vaccines.
“We are in the 3rd inning of COVID with more variants, etc. possibly coming.”
8% of students have tested positive for COVID since the pandemic began…about 8% of the student body. 1,000 staff/faculty have tested positive; about the same percentage.
ASU has the world’s largest faculty for global futures working on, among other things, climate change. Currently ASU has developed artificial trees that do a better job than natural trees in fighting carbon emissions. 10,000,000 of these trees could put the air quality back to pre-Industrial Revolution levels. However, the expense currently is cost-prohibitive
For the first time in several years the state of Arizona has put an investment into AZ universities. Arizona has one of the lowest support levels of its state universities in the US.
More students live in ASU dorms than the number of athletes who lived in the Olympic Village in Tokyo. Unlike the Olympic Village, ASU is not allowed to require testing and vaccinations.
Over 1 billion in new construction is underway at ASU.
ASU is the only university in the US who did not lay off, reduce staff, or reduce salaries during the pandemic.
Several campus clergy stated that in discussions with colleagues around AZ and the US, none of the universities seem to have the strong support we have at ASU. Most express surprise the president regularly takes time to meet with campus ministry groups.
Have a story for the newsletter? We would love to hear it!
We also have a new feature called “Pandemic Pastimes”. We’d love to hear what you did during the pandemic.
Send stories and pastimes to info@ulctempe.org by 9/10/2021. Thank you!
The Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA will have its convention on Saturday, November 6, 2021. It will be held virtually via Zoom. Get more details here.