Thank you to Terry Pochert and Brian Mancini for all their recording and editing of our recorded worship services this past year and a half. Thank you to Aiko Yamada Mancini who directed what was at times a coast-to coast choir and did some recording as well as sharing her usual musical gifts each week without fail (notice there were no days off!).
Thank you to the many musicians who lent their instruments and their voices to worship. Thank you to all the readers and assisting ministers. Thank you to all who worshiped online and to those sharing their comments.
Now we are going with live-stream worship. That means the first worship service available online is 10:30 am Sundays. It is a live stream of our actual in-person worship. It will be recorded and left online until the next week when the new one appears. Live stream can be found on our Facebook page (University Lutheran Church, Tempe, Arizona), our YouTube channel (ULC LCM Tempe Arizona), and on our web site link (www.ulctempe.org). Tell your friends!