We will soon be putting envelopes in the chairs for Christmas decorations. If you prefer, you can give online or mail a check (340 E 15th Street/Tempe/AZ/85281). However you chose to give, please mark your offering “decorations”.
You can also text your donation: 480-878-7977. Please put ChristmasDecor after your amount to ensure your text giving donation goes towards our decorations. Text giving and online giving are safe and secure. Church members can also donate through their Breeze profile.
We will have at least one tree. Trees are about $70.00. If you would like to honor or memorialize a loved one, please let us know that information. You can email the church office info@ulctempe.org or submit a form in the offering plate.
Advent Worship will be December 1st, 8th, and 15th at 6:30 pm. Join us for our Holden Evening Prayer service; masks required.
Thank you!