The Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA will have its convention on Saturday, November 6, 2021. It will be held virtually via Zoom. Get more details here.
Hurricane Ida Relief
The impact of Hurricane Ida is yet unknown, but a hurricane of this magnitude is devastating. Lutheran Disaster Response is working with local ELCA synods and Lutheran social service organizations to coordinate a response to the hurricane relief efforts.
Your gifts will support survivors and will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected. Donate and read more here.
Altar Guild Help Needed!
With in person communion no longer using the coffee creamer type of elements, we need people willing to fill the communion glasses and cut up the bread prior to worship and clean up afterward.
Kristin Tollefson has been doing this so far. She will happily train you in the new method of set up. Contact the church office ( or 480-967-3543) or sign up on the moving bulletin board if you are interested. Thank you!!
The Masked Singer
Yes! Singing in worship has returned to University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry! We may have been masked while singing (and will continue to be in the near future) but it has never sounded better to have some hymn and liturgy singing in our sanctuary!
What a joyful noise was raised to God last Sunday through the congregation and musical leaders. Soon we will be live-streaming and NOT recording worship. Live-stream worship will be available as a recording after the worship and available for about a week following.
Worship in person continues to celebrate communion in a more usual fashion with COVID protocols in place. The worship continues to remain a bit abbreviated ( 1 scripture reading most Sundays instead of 4).
Afghan Refugee Resettlement
There has been some interest in our community sponsoring an Afghan refugee family through Lutheran Social Service of the Southwest/Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Resettlement. We have done this in the past but it has been sometime.
Dottie (Ohe) Knox has agreed to coordinate these efforts and look into what would be required of us. From last Sunday alone two folks in attendance volunteered to help. We have reached out to Missio Dei and they are willing to partner with us. We are also reaching out to the Tempe Mosque to see if there is any interest on their part.
If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact the church office ( or 480-967-3543).