Our sympathies are with family and loved ones of William E. “Bill” McCluskey, who died September 22 in Pennsylvania. Bill was the father of Pastor Gary and father-in law of Mary Beth. He was the grandfather of member Randy, grandfather-in-law of Andrea, and great-grandfather to Gavin and Addison McCluskey. Services will be in Pennsylvania on September 27.
It’s a Wrap!
Thank you to Terry Pochert and Brian Mancini for all their recording and editing of our recorded worship services this past year and a half. Thank you to Aiko Yamada Mancini who directed what was at times a coast-to coast choir and did some recording as well as sharing her usual musical gifts each week without fail (notice there were no days off!).
Thank you to the many musicians who lent their instruments and their voices to worship. Thank you to all the readers and assisting ministers. Thank you to all who worshiped online and to those sharing their comments.
Now we are going with live-stream worship. That means the first worship service available online is 10:30 am Sundays. It is a live stream of our actual in-person worship. It will be recorded and left online until the next week when the new one appears. Live stream can be found on our Facebook page (University Lutheran Church, Tempe, Arizona), our YouTube channel (ULC LCM Tempe Arizona), and on our web site link (www.ulctempe.org). Tell your friends!
September 19, 2021
Our Sunday Schedule….
Open Forum: 9:15am
- In-Person and Zoom – Click on this link to join: Zoom Link or use the information below. The forum is from 9:15-10:15 am in the library of the Campus Center. If you attend in person, masks are required. The Zoom link is below to attend virtually. Thank you and enjoy your weekend.
Meeting ID: 862 4887 9221
Passcode: 877146
This weeks topic: Presidential Praise – Favorite Hymns of the US Presidents by Pastor Gary McCluskey – Download PDF of Handout
Worship: 10:30am
- Bulletin (PDF) In-person worship in the Sanctuary building. During the pandemic we still require masks and social distancing. Communion is provided taking special precautions for COVID.
Although our pre-recorded services have stopped, we are now exploring live streaming of the 10:30am service. Watch for details in the next few weeks.
You can always view all 18 months of our past recorded worship services by Clicking Here.
Student Lunch: 11:30am
- All students are invited to Lunch in the Campus Center for a free meal and discussion.
Check Out These Additional Resources
- Visit us on YouTube.com and Facebook
- Visit our home page at ulctempe.org
- Our mission continues. You can give online by clicking on the GIVE+ logo in the upper right corner of the website.
- LCM Students can stay in touch on the LCM Facebook page.
Online Worship Changes
This Sunday, September 19, we will no longer have a recorded worship online by Saturday night. Instead, we will begin live streaming our in-person worship at 10:30 am and record that for after 10:30.
Please be patient and bear with us as we are both planning and learning. If there are problems with the live part of live streaming the recording of the live part of the streaming will be on the website, YouTube and Facebook after 10:30 am.
Back To “Normal”!
Wow! The first Sunday after Labor Day has hints of returning to “normal”. Yes, we have masks, social distancing, bumping elbows, and communion carefully distributed, but we are back!
The Open Forum was a huge success–both in-person and via Zoom. We had great music with limited singing, lunch for the students and YES, the Stewardship Team welcoming everyone to worship. We had the largest attendance since we have been having in-person service.
This coming Sunday be sure to pick up your Welcome Package and Pledge Cards in preparation for Stewardship Sunday on September 26, 2021.