Forums scheduled for January are below:

January 2: No forum due to the New Year’s Day Holiday
January 9: ” Abel Reconsidering” by Pastor Ron Rude, retired campus pastor of U of A Campus Ministry. Pastor Ron wrote two books, “Abel Emerging” and “Reconsidering Christianity”. This session will deal with the evolution of his thought over years of ministry, bible study, etc. which, in many ways, led to the third book, next week’s forum. Both books are in our library for your use and Pastor Gary has extras.
January 16: “Amending the Christian Story”, Pastor Ron Rude’s third and very recent book. Having evolved in many ways for 2,000 years, what parts of our Christian understanding is in need of reformation? This book also is in our library and Pastor Gary has a copy to lend as well.
January 23 and 30 are open–if you would like to present at a forum, please contact the office ( or 480-967-3543). Thank you.
Forums are Sundays at 9:15 am in the Campus Center (masks required) or via Zoom.