Looking for way to discover and discuss interesting topics, authors, and books? The Page Turner’s Book Club is an informal group that meets monthly, alternating between fiction and non-fiction books. You don’t need to read the book to participate. Here are the books we’ll be discussing in April and May.

April 7, 2022 at noon. B is for Burglar by Sue Grafton (1985), fiction. Leader: Katherine S. In this story set in 1982, hard-boiled private investigator Kinsey Millhone is hired for find a client’s sister. It looks routine. Instead Kinsey encounters a disappearance, burglary, arson, and murder.
May 5, 2022 at noon. Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will to Survive by Stephanie Land (2019), non-fiction. Leader: Jean P. This book is about a hard-working mother working as a maid and how she survives the work, low wages, being a mother, and ultimately improving her life.
We meet at University Lutheran Church in the Campus Center.
The Book Club will be taking the summer off. We are looking for suggestions for books for next fall. To get on the book club email list or to recommend at book, contact the office at info@ulctempe.org or 480-967-3543.