Bible study, worship and dinners return! As always we need folks to provide meals. If you can provide a Sunday or Wednesday meal, please call the church office (480.967.3543) or email Thanks for all your support!
ASU Passport 2023
Students began classes on Thursday, August 17th. Our Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) Associate, Dylan Weeks, along with some of our LCM students, attended ASU Passport this week to welcome back students.
Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) meets every Wednesday in our Campus Center at 5:00 pm for a Bible Study (also through Zoom) followed by a free student meal at 5:30 pm (Grab N Go Option available). We then have contemporary worship at 6:30 pm in our sanctuary. Everyone is welcome!
We also have traditional worship on Sundays at 10: 30 am with a free student meal at 11:30 am in our Campus Center Library.
Autumn Byars, a recent ASU graduate and LCM student has been hired by Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Arizona, a synod and ELCA program. Autumn was hired for the 2023-2024 year as Hunger Advocacy Fellow to do research, monitor legislative bills concerning hunger and creating awareness of hunger issues in Arizona and beyond for our Grand Canyon Synod Churches. Congratulations, Autumn!
Office Finale
A big THANK YOU to Sean Maseng (Lutheran Campus Ministry and ASU student) who put the new office desk together–and was smiling throughout the project. The office remodel is now complete. Thanks also to Katherine Stevens and Art Becker for their work in getting the office remodel complete. Come see how it looks!
April/May Mid-Week Worship
With Lent being over, we began our final theme of “Do Hard Things” for our Wednesday worship:
- April 12th: Ephesians 4:25-32 “Accept Who You Are”
- April 19th: Jeremiah 9:23-34 “Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em”
- April 26th: John 18:10-11, Luke 23:54-62, Matthew 16:13-20 “Emotions Are To Be Messengers, Not Dictators”
- May 3rd: Luke 14:25-28 “Go Forward to Growth”
Lutheran Campus Ministry meets for Bible Study at 5:00 pm in the Campus Center or via Zoom followed by a free student meal in the Campus Center at 5:30 pm (Grab N Go available). Contemporary worship is at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary–everyone is welcome!