Help support the students of LCM by enjoying delicious frozen yogurt at Yogurtini THIS Friday (11th) from 5-9pm. Located on the NE corner of Rural/University, all you have to do is mention LCM at the cash register and we’ll receive a percentage of your final dollar amount. Invite your family and friends to come along. Thank you for your support!!!
Senior Banquet – 2007
Wednesday, May 9, 5:30pm, we honor graduating seniors and their parents at a banquet. This year’s menu is Mediterranean themed. Cost is free-will offering as a fund raiser for Lutheran Campus Ministry. Every year this is a great opportunity to witness the impact our ministry has had on the young men and women in our midst and to celebrate our ministry together.
This year’s seniors are:
- John Begay, MA history
- Jennifer Cunningham
- Jesse Havig
- Ian Lee BA Journalism
- Matt Mills MS
- Ellen Tollefson BA Music Ed.
- Mike Robers BS Bio-Chemistry
- Kelly Varady BS Kinesiology
- Dane Wesenberg