We had many people celebrate Easter with us! Thank you to all who braved the rainy weather. Our University Lutheran Church (ULC) Young Adults display our Easter flowers. Thank you, too, to all those who donated funds to make our sanctuary festive for Easter.
Dinner Church
Our Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) students prepared vegetables and toppings for the potato bar on Wednesday for Dinner Church.
If you are interested in joining, LCM, please contact the office: info@ulctempe.org or 480-967-3543. Everyone is welcome here!
Our Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) students and University Lutheran Church (ULC) Young Adults got together for a night of Bingo! Fun was had by all–but especially the big winners!
Thank you to Lori Zurcher and Terry Anderson for the use of the Bingo equipment. Thank you to Dylan Week, LCM Associate, for coordinating the event.
Out Of The Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk
On Saturday, March 16, 2024, some our of University Lutheran Church (ULC) Young Adults and Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) students participated in ASU’s annual Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk, hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Savannah Bradley, LCM and ASU student, was one of the student organizers and was a speaker at the event. Walkers gathered outside the student services building, where several clubs, business, and other resources set up tables, sharing activities, resources, stickers, and all kinds of fun stuff.
The university aimed to raise $15,000, and by Saturday morning, we had raised more than $18,300! Erin Smythe took home the record for the most money raised by any individual person! Savannah Bradley, Taína Diaz-Reyes, Paul Westermann, Erin Smythe, Janel Niska, and Autumn Byars attended. Thank you, students!
The Luck of Lutheran Campus Ministry
Our Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) group will be participating in a CORA (Council of Religious Advisors) event on Sunday, March 17th.
We will be joining other groups at the Campus Christian Center at 6:00 pm to cook dinner. The congregation is invited. There is a sign-up sheet on the moving bulletin board or you can contact the office: info@ulctempe.org or 480-967-3543.