Students took a break from finals to meet in the Campus Center and bake cookies. Some even learned to knit while waiting for the cookies to bake! Chai Eggnog Tea cookies anyone?

340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
Students took a break from finals to meet in the Campus Center and bake cookies. Some even learned to knit while waiting for the cookies to bake! Chai Eggnog Tea cookies anyone?
7:00 am students gather to head to as many as 3 churches at a time to sell hundreds of the packages of Lefse that they made and packaged.
Due to the Pandemic this is the first time they could do this in 2 years. It was a new experience for almost all of them under the capable leadership of Campus Ministry Associate, Dylan Weeks.
We continue to receive non perishable food items for the Pitchfork ( ASU) food pantry. ASU students report one third of all students struggle with food anxiety each week.
Here you see students lined up for food at Pitchfork Pantry. Food items can be placed in the food box by the desk at the church entrance. Thank you! (LCM is one of the founding members of Pitchfork Food Pantry.)
Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) students gather after Wednesday Worship for a time to talk, support, have fun and make s’mores under the watchful eye of Yoda (can you find Yoda in a picture?) There seems to be a force that is with them.
Pastor Jill Disbro, Director of Admission of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (PLTS), Berkley, CA, will be our guest preacher at our Wednesday worship, October 26, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
All are invited to hear about what is happening at PLTS and ask questions afterward. If you are interested in seminary, Pastor Jill will be happy to meet with you. She will be joining us for dinner (5:30 pm in the Campus Center) that evening prior to worship.