Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) student, Autumn Byers, takes on the task of cleaning the kitchen in our Campus Center!
340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) student, Autumn Byers, takes on the task of cleaning the kitchen in our Campus Center!
Our students enjoyed a retreat to San Diego in the Fall of 2022. Watch the fun here.
LCM meets each Wednesday–Bible Study at 5:00 pm in our Campus Center or via Zoom followed by a free student dinner (Campus Center or Grab N Go). Our worship time is 6:30 pm in our sanctuary. All are welcome!
We will have Wednesday Lenten Worship using the Holden Evening Prayer Service. Join us in our sanctuary or via our live stream on our website. Thank you!
How many LCM students does it take to set up 4 trees? Apparently about 9. The Beckers (ULC members) delivered them and students remaining after worship Wednesday night set them up!
Lutheran Campus Ministry (LCM) students paid for, bought, wrapped, and delivered presents for Christmas for a family they adopted from Lutheran Social Services.