ULC in Pictures

340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
Christmas Eve was the first time we used our baby grand piano for worship. It was a gift of David and Nancy Tollefson. The Tollefsons had once been members of ULC and had two daughters, Ellen and Kristin, come through our campus ministry. Kristin continues to be here as a member and leads our altar guild.
We will continue to use the previous piano for some worship ( Easter Sunrise, for example) and for other events. That piano had been given in the early 1990’s by Muriel Cronin in memory of her brother. Thanks to the Tollefsons for the gift of a baby grand piano (and transportation to ULC) and to Muriel for many years of great music through her gift of a piano. Thanks to Music Director Aiko Yamada Mancini, the choir, musicians, and all who work to give us such great music!!
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