340 E. 15th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281-6612 (480) 967-3543
This photo from Terry Anderson reminds us of Easter Sunrise Service in past years. The altar was placed between the two palm trees, rows of chairs were filled with people. Easter sunrise, 2020, was a bit different, but still folks rejoiced as we celebrated ONLINE (YouTube).
New, LCM T shirts have arrived! you will love the fabric! They are designed by our own folks and are available for sale for $20.00 each. Part of their purchase was underwritten by an Action Team Grant from Thrivent. See Pastor Gary or Amy if you are interested in purchasing a shirt.
Thanks Thrivent for the seed money and the Action Team initiative. Lefse making, free student meals, the student pantry, shopping for the Christmas family, Labor Day weekend to San Diego. It is amazing how this has helped us and the community.
San Diego Retreat 2019