The Call Committee continues to work on preparations for interviewing call candidates. As of this date, two potential candidates have come forward. We believe God has a plan for the future of our congregation, and we will be faithful in prayers and preparation for the upcoming interviews. We discussed the book, “Call to Allyship”, Angela T !Khabeb, Editor, and all that it has to offer in the way of preparation and mindset for choosing a call candidate. We are in prayer and preparation for ourselves to be able to discern the best candidate for our community of worshipers.
The majority of us attended the after-church discussion of Vision-and-Mission-statement preparation on February 2nd. It was inspiring to hear everyone’s thoughts, perspectives, and longings for a future with ULC and LCM growth and participation. We had a very professional leader, Ray, taking us through the thought process and getting ideas together. It was well attended by members, students and young adults, and council members. Lots of direction was provided for the formation of statements, and it will be a challenge to distill it all into a short message! There is lots of passion for our purpose here in Tempe, AZ.
Please help us pray for wisdom and discernment for the Call Committee and that a promising and suitable pastoral candidate will be chosen.