Thanks to all who Offered a Letter as a part of Bread for the World’s continuing to help us shape our government’s response to the needs of those struggling with hunger and poverty. With maybe a bit more time at home, how about another letter?
We are grateful for the efforts of voters across the country who helped ensure that Congress took positive action in response to the tremendous crisis by responding with strong stimulus spending. At this time, we need to persuade Congress to pass a 15% increase in SNAP benefits–an amount which might enable a family to eat for an entire month. At the same time as suspending restriction and paperwork requirements, eligible people may be able to get food more quickly. And expanding and extending the EBT program is essential so that children might be fed over the summer months, when most school lunches and breakfasts have been halted because of the pandemic. Additionally, we would encourage Congress to provide an additional $12 billion for international response to the crisis: these funds would provide emergency humanitarian aid, strengthen global health, and target nutrition to mothers and children in the world’s poorest countries.
For updated information before you write, you can visit bread.org/COVID-19 and use their sample letter for hints. Or, If you’d rather call your senators and representatives, Bread’s toll free number (1-800-826-3688) will get you to the Capitol and our elected officials. “Have faith. End hunger”.