Our Forums are scheduled for Sundays at 9:15 am in our Campus Center Library or via Zoom. Here’s a look at what is being presented:
- November 20: “Green is Not What You Think it is” led by PhD student Janel Niska. As an engineer Janel has an interest in sustainability and has learned green and renewable are not exactly synonyms.
- November 27: No forum due to Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend.
- December 4: “Growing up Christian in Hong Kong” led by LCM student Wang Hei Hugo Tse.
- December 11: “A Look at Matthew” Pastor Gary will lead a discussion on this Gospel that will be the primary Gospel text for the church year until Advent of 2023.
- December 18: “The Birth of the Messiah: A Look at Luke’s birth narrative and traditions surrounding the birth led by Pastor Gary.
- December 25: No forum due to the Christmas holiday. Merry Christmas.
If you would like to present a forum or need the Zoom link, please contact the office (info@ulctempe.org or 480-967-3543). Thank you!