Lent begins on March 2nd. We will have Wednesday Lenten worship using the Holden Evening Prayer service in the sanctuary (masks required) and on our live stream. Our theme will be “Little Known Bible Stories”. See our Lenten Worship schedule below:
- March 2: Ash Wednesday: Imposition of Ashes. For those who watch via live stream, please contact the office (info@ulctempe.org or 480-967-3543) if you would like ashes and we can send to you. Each packet has enough ashes for up to 4 people.
- March 9: “Floating of the Ax Head” 2 Kings 6:1-7
- March 16: “Balaam’s Donkey Speaks” Numbers 22:22-35
- March 23: “Moses Records His Own Death” Deuteronomy 34:1-12
- March 30: “What Shall We be Called?” Acts 11:19-26
- April 6: ” The 13th Disciple” Acts 1:15-26
- April 13: “Get Up!” Luke 7:11-17