A brief summary would be to say, we are “holding our own” thus far. We are more concerned about the long-term picture. We did receive a PPP loan of almost $27,000 from the government that can turn into a grant. It is required that this money go toward payroll and all employees be kept in place.
We have also been blessed by members increasing their gifts, alumni, parents of students, and parents of alumni, former members, and people whom we did not previously know, watching our worship have also been generous. Thank you all!!
Some of our expenses are down..utilities, some supplies, and more. Some expenses have increased. We now need to pay an extra fee for copyright to use music and worship materials online. We now have to use Zoom and pay a monthly fee as well as other new expenses for online worship and operating as we now must.
Other income streams have been reduced. Our various rental incomes are greatly reduced with no building use. The ELCA has notified us of a 17% cut in our monthly grant and we anticipate more such cuts from outside support.
In the meantime, thank you for your continued and generous support! We are grateful for your prayers, your participation in worship and your very much needed financial support. Thank you for your partnership that enables us to march on in mission and ministry.