Labor Day weekend a caravan of 4 vehicles headed to San Diego loaded with students, a grill, several coolers of food, and all the students’ gear for the weekend. As always the ride to San Diego was chatty. The most audible sound on the return trip was snoring.
We met up with the University of Arizona Lutheran Campus Ministry and the Presbyterian Campus Ministry of ASU. We enjoyed beach time, sunset worship on the cliffs of La Jolla, a sunset cookout on Pacific Beach, kayaking, tromping around the museums of Balboa Park, discussion, and interactive get acquainted activities. In the past few years now we need to always allow time for study and school work as many students have projects due midnight Saturday and/or Sunday. So much for computers saving work!!
NAU campus ministry, currently without a leader, was unable to attend this year. We did spend beach time with U of A campus ministry and the ASU Presbyterians, and enjoyed a Mission Bay breakfast together Sunday morning.
This is, perhaps, the first time ever we had a council member from University Lutheran attend part of the retreat. David Waltz, an alum of both U of A and ASU spent quite a bit of time with us, even joining in the ASU LCM kayaking excellent adventure.
As the usual event cliche goes, “A good time was had by all.” This is most certainly true!